5 Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

3 min readMay 5, 2023


Have you been putting on too much weight lately? Or are you worried about your continuously shortening attention span? Or you just can’t get that good night’s sleep no matter how hard you try? If so, this is your queue.

We all love effective yet doable ways to boost that sluggish metabolism and get that mind up and running, don’t we? And who could’ve thought just timing your meals could help you with all of these problems as well as provide added health benefits! I’d like to add a little clarity to intermittent fasting here. So, it is basically having a set number of hours of fasting throughout your day while you can munch freely during the rest.

So keep scrolling, my friend, as I enlighten you with some of the many benefits of intermittent fasting.

1. Boost Brain Function

In the absence of direct glucose when fasting, your reserve fuel, i.e. ketone bodies come into action. This glucogenic to ketogenic switch is what boosts your cognitive function. Now you have better focus and clearheadedness.

2. Weight Loss

Say no to untimely snacking and you’re good to go! The fasting periods in between your meal times will help with the lowering of insulin levels and voila, you are now using your fat cells as your source of energy.

The edge here is; it is practically applicable even if you’re not very physically active during the day. Also, you don’t have to worry about the food being unappetizing because there is no absolute restriction for carbs. Win-win!

3. Regulate Circadian Rhythm

Time-specific meals aid in the proper regulation of your internal clock helping you get the tranquil slumber required to reset your body for a new day.

4. Diabetes Prevention

As intermittent fasting contributes to weight loss, it subsequently helps prevent diabetes as well. Insulin resistance reduction leads to the stabilization of blood sugar levels. Hence, lowers the probability of the development of type 2 diabetes. Keep in mind that diagnosed cases of diabetes should consult their physician before opting for any sort of change in their diet trend.

5. Reduction Of Inflammation And Other Cardiac Risks

Adequate caloric restriction and alternate-day fasting have been clinically proven to reduce inflammatory markers in the body and increase life expectancy by providing cardioprotection.

The good lipids safeguarding your heart increase while the bad ones deplete. In addition, you get better blood pressure control. Therefore, you have a healthy cardiovascular system.

Although research is still underway regarding the long-term health benefits of intermittent fasting but as for now, it is a considerably less challenging yet fruitful practice to attain the required health benefits.

In 2023, 63 percent of Germans considered fasting sensible or even very sensible in terms of health. On the other hand, 14 percent of respondents did not think it is sensible at all. Nevertheless, it doesn’t hurt to give it a go, don’t you think?

